Casio Analog Blue Dial Leather Band Watch for Men - MTP-VT01L-2B2UDF

9.000 KWD

  • الشركة : Casio
  • النوع : MTP-VT01L-2B2UDF
  • حالة التوفر : متوفر

·       Simple, easy-to-read face designs come in handy during work or play.

·       These models are waterproof under normal daily use, which means you can wear them without worry in the rain or when you wash your hands.

·       Casio analogue watches are original Japanese timekeeping. It's the combination of mechanics, technology and classic design which makes a CASIO watch a timeless staple.

·       Immaculately clean aesthetics and accurate alignments line up this watch perfectly with the demands of usual urban working life and lifestyles.

·       Brand: Casio

·       Type: Analog Watch

·       Leather Band

·       Water Resistant

·       Accuracy: ±20 seconds per month

·       Other features

·       Regular timekeeping: Analog: 3 hands (hour, minute, second)

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